
To ensure the long-term quality of the Mittenwald instruments, the government of Bavaria under King Maximilian II in 1858 founded the violinmaking school in Mittenwald as a training and exemplary workshop. As time went by, the violinmaking school of Mittenwald was extended by more additional training fields and in the meantime offers as state vocational school and full-time vocational school for musical instrument making an extensive training in several segments of musical instrument making.
The two school systems "full-time vocational school” and "(part time) state vocational school" are housed in the same school building. In content and in organisational structure they differentiate fully from each other: At the full-time vocational school a full-time scholastic training is offered by giving first hand training in practical and in theoretical knowledge. At the part time vocational school mainly theoretical knowledge is conveyed in the first instance as an accompaniment to and additionally to the practical trade related knowledge conveyed by the own training company. The students of the two school systems attend different classes due to the differential emphasis and training content.
In the school today, numerous large training sections are found where each scholar has an own reserved window working place. The theoretical training which accompanies the practical implementation is conveyed to the students in modern equipped training halls. For acoustic-physical investigations to old and newly built instruments, a virtually resonance free room is available which is equipped with highly sensitive measuring tools with adjacent acoustic laboratories. All buildings are inter-linked to each other.
Well equipped relaxing areas as well as an extensive library, support the scholars in group tasks as well as in their individual own training.
The vast school building complex with its well-kept exterior surfaces offers ideal resting areas during breaks. Besides regular classes, the school is an ideal venue for public concert performances, training, specialized seminars, exhibitions and international music instrument making competitions.